Bought the last bunch of mustard greens from the high school gardening program. Their turn-out is very impressive. There are always at least five kids there staffing the table; this morning, there were more like seven. That's better attendance than some of my classes. These kids were from U. City and Sayre, but sometimes there are West kids. They tried to sell me the entire rest of their salad greens for $26... well, they "tried." It was a joke. But you don't know unless you try. Go, kids.
I didn't bring any paper and pen to make a list, but I put $40 in my pocket and spent most of it, in two places.
Saturday Shopping List
-a big bag of hydroponic lettuce from the lady who sells beans and spices - this is her first hydro lettuce harvest and she was giving samples - it's very sharp and flavorful - will go well with mustard on a sandwich - $2
-two heads of baby lettuce - one purple and one green and curly - 75 cents ea.
-a bunch of mustard greens - $2
-half-dozen carrots
-two rhubarb stalks (ruined every recipe last time, going to try again)
-a pint of strawberries - from a different vendor this time - smaller, sweeter berries, i couldn't stop eating them on the way home
-a pint of crimini (brown) mushrooms
-a portobello cap
-a loaf of sourdough banana bread (ate half of it for breakfast with my strawberries)
-a bunch of asparagus
-a large parsnip to go in a soup (gives blended soups a creamy texture and fresh flavor)
-a quart of sweet onions
-a 23-oz. jar of apple sauce
-eight large tomatoes (some red and some green, to last all week)
I think that's it.
total: around $30
And at Milk and Honey: a loaf of cracked wheat bread, a few shallots, and a cup of coffee - around $8
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