1 lb chickpeas (dried)
2 quarts green peas (fresh)
4 summer squash
2 green zucchini
1 golden zucchini
5 tomatoes
6 sweet onions
2 fat carrots
1 bunch broccoli
1 huge bunch kale (green/purple leaf)
2 heads buttercrunch (green) lettuce
5 stalks rhubarb

5 white potatoes
1 pint shitaake mushrooms
1 quart strawberries
1 quart cherries
and a 16 oz cup of iced coffee
Total: about $47
The coffee shop across the street set up a stand selling iced coffee. Smart them.
Still no sweet corn, and asparagus appears to be finished. Plenty of berries out now.

I saw a three-year-old girl eat her first blueberry. Her mother was looking for fruit for her, asked if she could try a blueberry because she had never had one. The baby ate the blueberry, paused for a moment, grinned and reached up to the table for another blueberry. "We have a winner," her mom said, and bought a quart.
Last week, the fridge was on the fritz and a bunch of our food wilted. :( That happened shortly after last week's market. I've eaten way too much noodle soup this week.

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