Apparently, the Clark Park Farmers' Market closed for the holiday weekend. We hope that's what happened. We hope it will be back next week.
I went walking down there with my shopping bags yesterday while Mark walked down to Woodland Building Supply to grab some heavy cardboard cylinders to make tunnels for the cats.
When I got to the park, I found it empty. That was jarring. I thought we would never have food again.
This called for desperate measures: shopping more than three blocks from our home.
Today, we took the trolley into Center City and visited the Fair Food Farmstand inside Reading Terminal Market. It was more expensive than the Clark Park market. We still only spent around $30, but we didn't get as much food.
1 pint of Brussels sprouts
a bunch of dark kale
a bunch of broccoli
about a quart of fingerling sweet potatoes
3 or 4 red potatoes
3 or 4 Gold Yukon potatoes
a few shallots, because they didn't seem to have onions
5 Empire apples
1 giant loaf of multi-grain bread (I mean, giant)
Total: $29 and change
The bread was from a place we hadn't heard of, called Four Worlds Bakery, which happens to be closer to our neighborhood than it is to Reading Terminal. That's neat. That makes the trip even more worthwhile, because now we know that bakery is there. The bread is good, too. I had a couple slices of it with my Brussels sprouts and sauerkraut hash and rice noodles when I got home.
It was kind of nice to go downtown shopping. We took the opportunity to stop in at a couple other places we had wanted to go for clothes. I went to Buffalo Exchange for pants that can pass as dress pants and a couple of nice shirts, as I'm about to start a new job, and we stopped at an Army surplus store for long underwear. My favorite part is that at both places, we checked our bags. [beat] Our bags of produce, you understand. Hope nobody snacked on them.
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